
Good Enough (The Goonies theme) - Cindy Lauper

"Everything. OK! I'll talk! In third grade, I cheated on my history exam. In fourth grade, I stole my uncle Max's toupee and I glued it on my face when I was Moses in my Hebrew School play. In fifth grade, I knocked my sister Edie down the stairs and I blamed it on the dog... When my mom sent me to the summer camp for fat kids and then they served lunch I got nuts and I pigged out and they kicked me out... But the worst thing I ever done - I mixed a pot of fake puke at home and then I went to this movie theater, hid the puke in my jacket, climbed up to the balcony and then, t-t-then, I made a noise like this: hua-hua-hua-huaaaaaaa - and then I dumped it over the side, all over the people in the audience. And then, this was horrible, all the people started getting sick and throwing up all over each other. I never felt so bad in my entire life." (The Goonies - 1985)

sábado, 21 de julho de 2007

Dear Santa, could you bring me a Bumblebee?

Last week i was surfing on the net and an article cought my attention, it was about how kids are more interested in money and technology than average toys nowadays. I have to agree...my twelve years old student has a way more sofisticated cell phone than my own. So I ask you readers...why is that? I think you will all presume his father's pay check is probably higher (waaaaaaaaay higher) than mine...well, this might help a lil' (lol), but that's not the point I'm trying to make here....the thing is, the media keeps pushing the idea that you ain't cool if you don't have an ipod or a brand new T-Mobile sidekick...being cooler than your neighbor is all that matters, if anything. We are all just drowned to this world of high technology and it would be impossible for the kids not to feel compelled either.

I watched Transformers last thursday...just like a great blockbuster must be: good looking cast, crappy dialogues, funny moments and kick ass effects!

The autobots' transformation from average (not so average) cars to highly evolved alien robots (is that nerdy enough for you?) is jaw-dropper...seriously stunning!!!
Sam Witwicky is like the luckiest geek of our times...in one day he finds out his car is an autobot, wins the hottest chick from school and becomes a national hero. Not bad for a guy who used to spend most of his time in the company of his little dog, Mojo (gotta love the name).

Humm...let's do a bit of math, shall we? No car equals no girl, no status and lots of self pity...while cool-alien-robot car equals hot girl, hero status and lots of self confidence, am I right? or did i miss something? COME ON... How are we suppose to equate with that?? I mean...helloo???...real world calling!!! Brainwash, people...brainwash.

So, going back to the kids...it's not easy to stay away from technology since it is everywhere... No one can blame me if I want the same phone of the chick from TV...why can't i be as cool as she is?

Bottom line, quoting Veronica Mars..."life is a bitch until you die" and that's pretty much it, you can play by the rules, be an outsider or just make your own rules and have fun...i'll go with the last one!!!

sexta-feira, 13 de julho de 2007

The Cool Kids

I remember when i first started reading Harry Potter, i was about fourteen (Merlin's beard...quite a long time, han?) and wasn't very enthusiastic about the young wizard and the whole "hocus pocus" scenerio proposed...which, in my opinion, was childish and an incredible waste of time. However, in spite of the huge success of the book, between not only children but also teenagers and adults, i gave in. Now...here i am, seven years later....totally addicted and amazed by Harry and his universe.
Fortunately for me and the rest of the fans, Harry Potter made his way to the big screen and has been pleasing us with a movie for each book. His newest and most incredible adventure so far arrived theaters this week, "The Order of the Phoenix", personally my favourite HP's book, shows that the problems Harry and his gang have to face are not so far from our reality....since its political aspects to the weirdness of the first kiss, TOotP reflects the hardness of growing up and the responsibility that comes with it. The humanist vision from David Yates goes to be no doubt the right choice to explore this transition.
Feeling insecure and unprepeared to confront evil, while dealing with a change of powers in Hogwarts leaded by the merciless Dolores Umbridge with the support and approval of the Minister himself, Harry and "the potters" (lol...that was lame) need to hang on each other's knowledge and Harry's experience in the area to become stronger, even if it means breaking the rules...that is when the "Dumbleodore's Army" is formed.
New great characters are introduced in the process...including Luna Lovegood, the peculiar girl who has more in common with Harry than it seems, Harry's loyal friends Ron and Hermione are also back...and this time, for my own pleasure, the sparks between the love-birds are more in evidence than ever (yay...R/H rocks!!)...along with Neville and Ron's sister, Ginny, who fancys Harry (yay again \o/) and turns out to be really powerful. The kids (not so kids anymore) find themselves in the middle of a battle that was just waiting to happen since Lord Voldemort's first reappearance.
The death of one important character takes place and a profecy is revealed sealing Harry's fate.
What is about to come? no one knows for sure...at least not yet.
See ya in 2008.

Bonus: TOotP Behind the scenes

quinta-feira, 5 de julho de 2007

Hollywood's new golden boy?

Well, whether or not...one thing is for sure: Shia LaBeouf is one of the most talented from the new bunch.
I personally didn't pay much attention to the 21 actor til' this year. The thing is...it became just impossible not to hear his name these days...the guy is EVERYWHERE! This year's score: one drama (A guide to recognizing your saints) two hit movies (Disturbia and Surf's up) and one yet to come (Transformers) which, by the way, supposes to be this season's hottest blockbuster ...all of this and it's only June. (Not to metion that the lucky bastard is filming Indy 4 this exact moment...i pity myself so much).
Gotta say i wasn't getting all giggly and smiley about Transformers...actually not even a lil...but you guys have to agree that the premise isn't exciting at all (unless you are one of those annoying and shiite nerdy fans ¬¬): giant robots who want to rule the world and exterminate the human kind (screams Power Rangers!! let's say together "Morphin Time")...seriously?? In addition, Michael Bay...the guy who directed that big crap named "Pearl Harbor". My only reaction towards the movie was rolling my eyes and giving a big "yawwn"!!
And now, here i am after watching the trailer....taking back what i've said and antecipating the movie like hell...uhuuu...the world indeed spins!!

quarta-feira, 4 de julho de 2007

God gave rock n' roll to you

Bought School of Rock yesterday, finally!! One of my all times favourite "whole-family-must-watch" movie. Jack Black more hilarious than ever...and the kids are also great, the drummer kicks ass...dude...i wish i could play like that, in fact, the whole band is in a so professional level that not even in my dreams i could reach them. Jack's powerful voice and the addictive lyrics are a perfect combination, there's no way, whatsoever, you won't find yourself trying to sing along with the band at the finale's peformance, i know i do...every friggin' time i watch it. LOL
Aww, gotta make a special paragraph about my fav character in the whole movie: the BAND'S STYLIST! Oh.My.Freakin.Lord, that kid makes me wet my pants everytime. Kudos for the awesome "queer-but-cute" young actor's peformance, who by the way, i have no idea the name. (hee). Anyway, priceless.
So, that's pretty much it...funny and remarkable lines (What's rock n' roll about? Sticking it to the MAN!), the old and good rock n' roll, smart kids, great co-stars (Joan Cusack is hilarious) and Jack Black!!

feature music recommended:
- You're not hardcore
- School of rock
- It's a long way to the top