Last week i was surfing on the net and an article cought my attention, it was about how kids are more interested in money and technology than average toys nowadays. I have to agree...my twelve years old student has a way more sofisticated cell phone than my own. So I ask you readers...why is that? I think you will all presume his father's pay check is probably higher (waaaaaaaaay higher) than mine...well, this might help a lil' (lol), but that's not the point I'm trying to make here....the thing is, the media keeps pushing the idea that you ain't cool if you don't have an ipod or a brand new T-Mobile sidekick...being cooler than your neighbor is all that matters, if anything. We are all just drowned to this world of high technology and it would be impossible for the kids not to feel compelled either.
I watched Transformers last thursday...just like a great blockbuster must be: good looking cast, crappy dialogues, funny moments and kick ass effects!
The autobots' transformation from average (not so average) cars to highly evolved alien robots (is that nerdy enough for you?) is jaw-dropper...seriously stunning!!!
Sam Witwicky is like the luckiest geek of our times...in one day he finds out his car is an autobot, wins the hottest chick from school and becomes a national hero. Not bad for a guy who used to spend most of his time in the company of his little dog, Mojo (gotta love the name).
Humm...let's do a bit of math, shall we? No car equals no girl, no status and lots of self pity...while cool-alien-robot car equals hot girl, hero status and lots of self confidence, am I right? or did i miss something? COME ON... How are we suppose to equate with that?? I mean...helloo???...real world calling!!! Brainwash, people...brainwash.
So, going back to the kids...it's not easy to stay away from technology since it is everywhere... No one can blame me if I want the same phone of the chick from TV...why can't i be as cool as she is?
Bottom line, quoting Veronica Mars..."life is a bitch until you die" and that's pretty much it, you can play by the rules, be an outsider or just make your own rules and have fun...i'll go with the last one!!!